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How to Plan a Successful Day

"10 Pieces of Advice that can help you plan the Successful Day you want to Achieve!"

When you are your own Boss, an Entrepreneur, it is essential that you plan ahead. Many Entrepreneurs have a ton of responsibilities, sometimes there is so much to do that it can feel overwhelming. The best solution is to plan your days ahead of time, prioritize your tasks and exactly when you will complete them. As simple as it sounds to just make a plan its the implementing the plan that may be hard, simply because life always has something to say about your plans. So when I came across this 'pin' on Pinterest, made by that shared 10 pieces of advice to achieve a successful day I was inspired to elaborate and write this post.

The first point is; "Get an Early Start!' Some may under estimate the power of getting an early start to your day. Just picture the benefits that a sprinter would get in a race if he/she was allowed an early start. Try starting your day 10 to 20 minutes early and discover first hand the difference it makes.

The second point is; "Picture your Desired Result." When you're planning your day think about what your main goal is for the day, how do you want to feel at the end of the day? What needs to happen in order for you to feel this way? Picture the results and how it would feel to accomplish your desired result at the end of the day.

The third point is; "Set your Schedule & List your To Dos" Find the best way to organize and prioritize your tasks and time for the day. Start by planning your next couple of days, then your weeks etc...

The fourth point is; "Prioritize Healthy Habits." When you are building your schedule for the day, don't forget to include your meals, snacks, exercise and relaxation time. A healthy mind and a healthy body is much more productive and efficient than unhealthy ones.

The fifth point is; "Select your Top Three." Make a commitment to yourself that you will complete your top three most important tasks of the day. Sometimes everything on one's To Do List doesn't get done, these types of lists can be very long, which can be discouraging but using this strategy you'll feel proud that you kept your commitment of your Top Three.

The sixth point is; "Get to Work!" Don't fall into procastination! Start your day with easy small tasks to gain motivation by completing them quickly. Starting small often leads to gaining momentum. As long as you start and complete something you have moved ahead one step ahead from where you were yesterday.

The seventh point; "Plan for Tomorrow." Which means set your future self up for success. For example if you plan to workout or do yoga, make sure everything you need is ready for when the time comes to complete this task. If you plan to go grocery shopping prepare a list and have it ready for when its time to go shopping. Small obstacles can pile up and cost you an unnecessary loss of time and energy.

The eighth point is; "Practice Gratitude!" This is super important! The more gratefulness you practice the more you will receive in life. If you cannot be grateful for the small things in life you will not attain anything greater. So, be thankful and if its hard take a hard look and you'll find something to be grateful for.

The ninth point is; "Unplug!" Unplug from everything. People. Turn off your electronic devices even for a short while. Take a moment to be with yourself. Hear yourself think, take note on how you feel. Make sure you set time apart for yourself every day. Make sure you set time apart to spend quality time with those you love.

The tenth point is; "Commit to Quality Sleep!" Sleeping is so important for your overall health. I'm well aware that many Entrepreneurs work late into the night on various and numerous occasions. I've personally witnessed Entrepreneurs faint at Events and Competitions because of lack of sleep. Getting a good night's rest does wonders for your mental and physical health.

I hope you found these ten points as important as I did. Healthy mind and body equals success every time. There is no success without health, so take time to be kind and invest in yourself the benefits will be ten times the ones if you chose not too. Stay Blessed!


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